Thursday, September 17, 2009

New Fall Events Listed

Have you checked out the Transfer Web page's Events Calendar?

We just posted over 80 transfer related events between our six campuses. College Admissions Office visits, information about how to transfer workshops, free van trips to tour college campuses, and all the local college fairs are listed!

Don't miss out on all these great opportunities for the fall 0f 2009. They won't be available again until later in the spring semester, 2010 or in some cases not again until fall, 2010!


  1. I think it is bogus that you cannot talk to a transfer counselor until you attend a transfer session. 22,000 students or so, 10 person max per session, seems a bit rediculous to me. Also the fact that they are what like tuesday and wednesday right in the middle of the day when people are in classes? I think this whole idea needs to be thrown in the garbage and re-thought out. I also think it is completely unfair to limit and restrict the use of resources available to the students who pay tuition, after all, without the student body, no one on campus has a job.

  2. Hi Doug, I will look into this. One point of confusion with our counselor arrangement is that all counselors in the Counseling Center can answer questions about the transfer process and students do not understand this. It is natural to conclude that it is best to see one of the specialists titled "transfer counselor." With only two transfer counselors for 22,000 students, there is a long wait time if each interested student gets an individual appointment. By having the transfer sessions, we hope to answer basic questions in a group first. We are not trying to be difficult. If your class schedule will not allow you to attend, we should offer an individual appointment instead of the group session, of course.

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